After this semester, I feel that I have learned quite a bit about Germany. However, one question still remains in my mind. During class, we discussed in depth about current culture. However, I am really intrigued by the time periods of Martin Luther and Johann Sebastian Bach. What was their influence on German society and culture, both while they were alive and after they died? I felt that there was still more to learn in that area that we didn't really touch on in class.
Martin Luther has far reaching political and religious impact in Germany even today. His Thesen were stark criticism of a Roman Catholic society that allowed the rich to "buy off" their worldly sins and indulge. I suggest reading for starters -- with respect to the political impact. Today, Germany is divided 1/2 and 1/2 between Lutherans and Catholics ... so he "split" the German society (and the poorer and harder working live North and are Lutherans, if you want to generalize).